
Showing posts from April, 2022

AUFIN PROTOCOL: World's first all time highest fixed APY 480,419.00%

INTRODUCTION #Aufin Protocol is making decentralized finance (DeFi) friendlier and more accessible to everyday investors. One way they are doing this is through the #Aufin [Autostaking]( Protocol which delivers a user-friendly, innovative approach to earning rewards that can be deposited into one's own portfolio and earn interest independently of any centralized payment system. The #Aufin Autostaking protocol is designed to be friendly and accessible to new investors. By using AI technologies such as machine learning and deep reinforcement learning, it will make #Aufin certain of its role as the most profitable blockchain based investment platform in existence while regularly rewarding users. Along with its ongoing features, like payouts at any time, this is a [platform](  which unlike others will ensure that you get the returns you need while keeping your investment safe and anonymous. Aufin Protocol is revolutionizing #D

GRID: The World’s first solution to a sustainable Blockchain with a revolutionary proof of stake.

INTRODUCTION Grid is a smart energy platform that makes it easier for anyone to get involved in renewables by minimizing the wasteful use of power and devices around the world by introducing GRID. Our Grid Platform enables green-only transactions that allows users to make verified and authenticated payments using tokens. This is made possible because of the unique smart contract capabilities built into the platform’s software. These contracts are a vital part of the foundation that ensures all funds will be correctly handled without any possibility of fraud. The Grid Platform also includes several special features such as an integrated payment and escrow system, swapping pools, and encrypted chat functionality between users. No permission is required for this functionality and the validation is decentralized so it 's not reliant on any single person or corporation . Grid is creating a power network for people who happen to own solar panels. Grid’s native token, GRID, is like airmil

JUNGLE KINGDOM: Building a better world for pixel animals

INTRODUCTION The Jungle Kingdom ecosystem is a one-of-a-kind decentralized network that allows for users to acquire and trade wildlife tokens via the ERC20 protocol. The [cryptocurrency]( aspect of the platform allows players a means of converting their favorite pets into BNB digital currency. This token can then be used on the digital platform to purchase additional pets or products independently. The Jungle Kingdom supports blockchain-based non-fungible tokens in order to make it easier for people to trade digital assets without high transaction fees. Non-fungible means that each token has different characteristics from another! In the near future, players will be able to breed rare animals and add new ones to the game too! Jungle Kingdom will soon come to rule the world. Under their dominion, lions and tigers will team up to form disciplined armies while they [defend]( their land and invade others in pursuit of adding smaller territories

JUNGLE KINGDOM: A Pixel Animai land-themed NFT GameFi

INTRODUCTION Jungle Kingdom is a new breakthrough in the gaming world. Jungle Kingdom is an #NFT gamefi with pixel animal land theme. There will be many animal characters that will be available in the Jungle Kingdom world. Later, the Jungle Kingdom will be in the metaverse world. Jungle [Kingdom]( will focus on game economy, scalability and sustainability. In the Jungle Kingdom using the BNB network. By using BNB, players can recruit animal characters and buildings, level up, upgrade buildings, enhance all aspects of heroes attributes to get more #NFT items and also BNB rewards. What characters are available? Jungle Kingdom has tons of characters available. These characters are in the form of pixel animals that have their own uniqueness for each character. Such as unicorn characters who have Attacker skills, Sea lions characters with [Defender]( skills, Monkey characters with random skills, Giraffe characters with speedster skills, Leopard